Fine Arts, Art History and Italian language courses in Florence

Linoleum printing workshop

The first graphic technique that a student in graphics and printmaking should approach!

Linoleum printing workshop

The Art of engraving

The ancestor of linoleum printing was invented by the Chinese in the 6th century A.D. and was called xylography, that is the art of engraving on wood. Nowadays, by replacing wood with linoleum as the material to be engraved, we have linoleumgraphy, but the method has remained the same: with the use of a knife or gouge, the artist carves the surface, which then has to be covered with ink and finally printed on a paper sheet.

Since linoleumgraphy does not require the use of any acids, it is considered the first graphic technique that a student in graphics and printmaking should approach.

The workshop is open to all students, although some drawing skills are strongly recommended.

This workshop is available every Monday all year round

The program

Step 1

The seminar will start with a study and with an appreciation of several artworks made with this relief printing technique. Consequently, students will learn the different kinds of printing effects that an artist can create through the application of this technique.

Step 2

Students will then conceive and design their own preliminary sketch, and under the guidance of the teacher they will engrave it on the linoleum. During this process they will also concentrate on the concept of negative/positive, which is essential for the making of any work conceived with a monochromatic relief printing technique.

Step 3

After rolling over the surface with an ink-covered roller (brayer), and after leaving ink upon the flat surface, students will make their first trial printing with a hand press. If necessary they will make some corrections, that the teacher or themselves may find suitable, and they will eventually proceed towards the print run.

Price and details


1 week, 30 hours, 750 Euro
2 weeks, 60 hours, 1350 Euro

Course price includes

  • the use of all the necessary materials and tools;
  • a certificate at the end of the course.

Starting dates and schedule

Classes start every Monday all year round.

Schedule: 10am-1pm from Monday to Friday and 1.30pm-5pm from Monday to Thursday.

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