Over the centuries artists have always represented in their works animals. If you too, like the old masters, are eager to focus on this particular type of portrait this painting seminar will uncover the secrets for drawing and painting the animals you love and care for. You will start from studying the most significant artworks by some of the great masters, such as Tiziano, Rembrandt and Vermeer. You will be taught to discover their techniques as well as their style. Firstly, you will learn to draw sketches of the animal, which will help you to understand its volume and anatomy. Then you will pass to colours. While painting animals you will also realize how important is the choice of the right brush in order to depict the subject in the most realistic way (or surrealistic if you wish). This intensive course is open to anybody, both to apprentices and to accomplished artists. All our Art instructors are qualified and experienced teachers. If you wish to find out more about them, please refer to this page. Price and details 1 week, 30 hours, 750 Euro Classes start every Monday all year round. Schedule: 10am-1pm from Monday to Friday and 1.30pm-5pm from Monday to Thursday.How to paint animals
Most of the classes will concentrate on the observation and on the representation of pictures of animals that either you or our teacher may produce. Out of these pictures you will try to detect the “temper” of each animal, its main features and its beauty.
The main media that you will practice during the workshop will comprise oil, acrylic, watercolour and pastels.
2 weeks, 60 hours, 1350 Euro
3 weeks, 90 hours, 1950 Euro
4 weeks, 120 hours, 2585 EuroCourse price includes
Starting dates and schedule
Animal Painting workshop