Fine Arts, Art History and Italian language courses in Florence

Term and Semester programs

Combine Italian language + Drawing and Painting classes and receive credits for your studies in Florence

Many universities and colleges encourage, and even require, students to take some time abroad to complement their course of study and experience the world around them, they often grant transfer credit for programs that are not directly sponsored by their university.

Study in Florence and get credits

The Accademia del Giglio recommends that students who would like to receive credit for their studies abroad check with their university or college administration for the exact credit breakdown prior to registration. For example, before you depart, you may be required to furnish course descriptions, teaching methodology, syllabi, instructor profiles, and more.

One term combined programme

Italian language studies

Italian Language Studies
From beginner to pre-intermediate, according to the European Language Portfolio.
12 weeks, 2 lessons a day, in the morning, from 9am to 10.30am, Monday – Friday
Total number of lessons: 120 (90 hours)

Our foreign language training is offered at all levels. We will assign your course after a brief placement test that you will take upon arrival. Please note that 7 language levels ranging from beginner to advanced are available and regular progress tests are held at the end of each level. All participants attend a minimum of 80 class hours per 4-week period through a combination of small group, conversation and grammar classes.

The programme
After attending the Italian Language course the student will acquire the following language abilities:

· Understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
· Deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
· Produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
· Describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
From the European Language Portfolio

Drawing and Painting studies

Drawing and Painting Studies
Drawing techniques, Life drawing, Acrylic and Watercolour technique.
Duration: 12 weeks.
Schedule: 5 hours a day, 11.30am-1.00pm and 1.30pm-5.00pm, from Monday to Thursday.
Total number of hours: 240 hours

Our Art programme is offered according to your artistic skills and school experience. Therefore, if you are not an Art novice, on your first day of class please bring with you some pictures of your previous works. Our Art teacher will evaluate them and will discuss with you about your goals and main interests in Art techniques. Also please note that all participants will attend a minimum of 80 class hours per 4-week period through a combination of mainly drawing and painting classes.

The programme and the techniques
· An introduction to the basic drawing techniques (line, design and “chiaroscuro”)
· The study of anatomy and the methodology traditionally used to draw bodies and faces. Students may choose to practise also with sanguine, pen-and-ink, pastel crayon.
· The course will then focus on the rudiments of the colour theory and the practice of various techniques, such as acrylic and water colour painting.

No specific artistic skills or background are required.


As most universities and colleges consider 10 hours of study per term to be an acceptable level, we offer classes which provide the equivalent of 5 hours of credit per term for the study of the Italian language, along with hours for other modules such as Drawing and Painting.

Price and details

Total cost: 4245 Euro
Course code: TERM
Duration: 12 weeks
Dates: January, April, June, September
Total amount of hours: 320
Maximum number of students per class: 10

Semester Combined Programme

Italian language studies

From beginner to advanced, according to the European Language Portfolio.
24 weeks, 2 lessons a day, in the morning, from 9am to 10.30am, Monday – Friday
Total number of lessons: 240 (180 hours)

Our foreign language training is offered at all levels. We will assign your course after a brief placement test that you will take upon arrival. Please note that 6 language levels ranging from beginner to advanced are available and regular progress tests are held at the end of each level. All participants attend a minimum of 40 class hours per 4-week period through a combination of small group, conversation and grammar classes.

The programme
After attending the Italian Language course the student will acquire the following language abilities:

· Understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning;
· Express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions;
· Use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
· Produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
From the European Language Portfolio

Drawing and Painting studies

Classical Drawing techniques, Life drawing and Portrait, Watercolour, Acrylic and Oil Techniques, Sculpture with clay.
24 weeks, 5 hours a day, from 11.30am to 1.00pm and from 1.30pm to 5.00pm, Monday – Thursday.
Total number of hours: 480 hours

Our Art programme is offered according to your artistic skills and school experience. Therefore, if you are not an Art novice, on your first day of class please bring with you some pictures of your previous works. Our Art teacher will evaluate them and will discuss with you about your goals and main interests in Art techniques. Also please note that all participants will attend a minimum of 80 class hours per 4-week period through a combination of mainly drawing and painting classes.

The programme and the techniques
The first 12 weeks introduce basic drawing (proportions, shading and perspective) and various painting techniques (especially acrylics and watercolour) while the following 12 weeks aim at developing and improving students artistic skills. At the end of these six months students will have acquired the basic knowledge required towards the making of their personal portfolios and will concentrate on the study of one specific technique, such as:
· Portrait;
· Oil painting;
· Tempera;
· Fresco.


As most universities and colleges consider 20 hours of study per semester to be an acceptable level, we offer classes which provide the equivalent of 10-12 hours of credit per semester for the study of the Italian language, the Art history, the Drawing and Painting techniques.

The Accademia del Giglio recommends that students who would like to receive credit for their studies abroad check with their university or college prior to registration.

Price and details

Total cost: 8490 Euro
Course code: SEM
Languages: English and Italian
Duration: 24 weeks
Dates: January, April, June, September
Total amount of hours: 660
Maximum number of students per class: 10.

Course details

Course price includes

  • Course material for Italian classes;
  • Basic art material: normal paper, pencil, eraser;
  • Assessment test and final exam;
  • A certificate at the end of the course.


Italian classes
Monday – Friday
9.00am – 11.00am

Art classes
Monday – Thursday
11:30-1:00pm and 1.30pm – 5.00pm

Art techniques


Through making rapid strokes in pencil (or charcoal) students will learn how to portray the essential features of a human face, and through more elaborate drawings they will focus on details, on the effect of light and shade (“the chiaroscuro”), as well as on the psychological value of facial expression.

Oil paint

Oil paint gives a “richness” and depth of colour that stresses on the shading and the highlighting. At the end of the semester Students will have learnt to emphasise or fade the brightness of the colours of different objects and the effects of light on metal, glass and bodies.

Egg tempera

Egg tempera paint is made from finely ground dry pigments, egg yolk and water. Students will learn to master this fast drying medium that is fluid by nature and must be applied thinly in semi-opaque and transparent layers. They will realize how different this linear style is from the thick, brushy and painterly technique of oil painting. They will also appreciate the subtle colour variations so characteristic of egg tempera painting (unlike the deep saturated colours typical in oil paints).


Fresco is one of the oldest painting techniques. The most peculiar quality of fresco painting lies undoubtedly in its making: the pigment – a natural material – is laid on a fresh plaster several times in a short lapse of time, and through a cohesion process it fixes itself in the plaster, creating warm and subtle tones. The artist can make no mistakes, as correcting them would imply destroying the whole work. That is why the fresco technique is particularly difficult to learn and master.


These are some of the sculpting techniques that students can study during the semester (SEM) in Florence:

  • bas-relief;
  • sculpture in the round;
  • coil technique.

Contact us


  • Taking one-on-one Italian lessons via SKYPE for the past year with ADG has been an extraordinary experience in my learning development – one that has been both enriching and personal. The convenience of logging online from the United States to conference with a language school in the heart of Florence has allowed me to get further in my studies than I otherwise would have. I am fortunate that ADG offers this service where from the Untied States I can take advantage of learning not only from native Florentine speakers, but also from highly accredited instructors.
    Helen P.USA
  • Essentially it was your high level of professionalism that struck me. From the out set, when you first communicated with me over the Net, your tone, manner & attitude were impressive and so on my arriving in Florence I KNEW that I was in 'good hands'!! (more…)
    ChristineNew Zealand